Borrow items locally and from other libraries
Visit other Illinois Heartland libraries and borrow their items
Use the library’s Public Computers.
Access Online Resources through the Library’s Website: Online Catalog
Loan Periods
7 DAYS for videos and DVD’s
14 DAYS for all other materials: books, audio recordings, magazines, kits, etc.
Item Limits
Patrons may check out a maximum of 25 total items per card at any given time with the following limitations:
2 DVD’s or videos
5 audio books (cassette)
2 audio books (CD) or musical CD’s
5 magazines (limit 2 of one title)
5 books of a series
Fines and Fees
Overdue fines accumulate each day the material is overdue, excluding days the library is closed.
$1.00 per day for videos and DVD’s
$.05 cents per day for all other material: books, audio recordings, magazines, kits, etc.
Fines of over $1.00 on any one card affect all patrons at that address. No new materials can be checked out, and internet access will be denied.
Library cards may be replaced for the following fees: 1st replacement $2.00, 2nd replacement $3.50, and 3rd and beyond replacement $5.50.
NOTE: No new library cards or duplicate cards will be issued after 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday, or after 4 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays.